Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Farm

My younger brother, Wesley, just celebrated Thanksgiving at the Family Farm in central Wyoming. He was joined by our older brother, EC, and his wife, Ardis, and their kids; Walker, Hannah, Evan, Tyler. This is one of the pictures they sent to me, which is so lovely that it actually makes me miss the natural world just a bit as I live out my compacted&contracted life here in this rapacious concrete jungle.

{For those of you still confused by that Alanis Morissette song, here is an elegantly straightforward example of irony: Wesley is currently working for a huge multi-national corporation, helping them to rape the natural world for its precious minerals and oils and gasses... his reason for doing this, of course, is so that he can afford to go to grad school and become a high ranking Forest Ranger & Preservationist.}

1 comment:

Will said...

I guess nature can be PHAT sometimes. (I can't really think of a comment, but I feel like I should after all the times you've commented on Geneva's online photo gallery.)