Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So I survived my first crash...

There I was... heading down Bergen Street to get myself to Grand Jury Duty in the Borough Hall area. Just as I was crossing 4th Avenue, I looked left, and the van that cut across my path looked right, and we didn't see each other till we smashed together. I rolled to the ground, unhurt and full of adrenaline, and after we assessed each other we went our separate ways. It wasn't till later that I realized the back axle of bike was broken... but I walked away from that crash, so I have no complaints.

Bike riding in the city is a wonderful thing... if only there were no cars.


Snezan said...

imgladyou're okay!

fisherdm said...

good god man, haven't you heard we live in a litigious society? that sounds like a commercial vehicle, meaning the company who owns it likely has a fat insurance policy, just for such occasions. Slap a neck brace on, call up Jackie Childs, and move on up...

RB said...

You know... it was a company van, and everyone around me said the same thing.

I couldn't do that man... there is no way I could go through with that.

But I should have taken information down in case I did end up feeling poorly, but thankfully I came out of it fine.

Mrs. Fix said...

You hit a car and walk away fine. Fix goes over some extra high grass on his bike and breaks his wrist.